Any SEO or online marketer knows that the one of the most important things to do for strong online presence and search engine positions is link strength. Not only do the links have to be optimized and point to the most relevant page on your web site according to the link, but they also have to show Google and the other major search engines that the link has the strength to help your site rank as an authority on the matter.
Natural link building holds waaaaaaay more strength than bulk links established all at once. This is because Google looks at how long it takes you to build your links and if they point to your web page from a quality location. For Example, placing a link on a web site that talks about vacations will not give the strength or authority your web page needs if the subject is lawn care. This action can actually have your web site banned from the search engines all together.
How to Create Powerful Backlinks
So how do you establish these natural authority backlinks you ask? One of the most common ways is to submit your link or links to directories such as DMOZ. By placing your link in the proper category and providing relevant information, you will gain a natural link from an online source that’s deeply respected by the search engines.
For SEO and Web Design companies, adding a link to the web site you’ve built and/or marketed online serves as a great backlink as well. Even though the sites you’ve done work for and yours have NOTHING in common, it will still be respected as a backlink and if that web site has a strong SE position and page rank, your site will gain strength from that link as well.
If you have a blog for your web site, then you should consider having optimized backlinks leading back to your main web site by pointing the link to a page that is relevant to the content in the post as well as the anchor text, ALT tag or TITLE tag in the link.
So What are Artificial Links?
Many online Marketers use software’s to create a huge number of backlinks to your web site and its pages at once. Though this serves as a time saver, it can also serve as an issue to your web site. Let’s just say that your web site has 100 established backlinks and you want to increase them in a timely manner. If Google sees that you have these 100 backlinks one week, and the crawlers come back to your site the next week and find 200 new backlinks to your site, then the search engine crawlers will be the huge spike in backlinks and consider them artificial. I am not saying that these links hold no power to them (especially if they come from an authority web site) but the process of creating them will look suspicious to Google and they will not qualify those links as natural and will give you half to little of the strength that you can actually gain from it.
Let me just say that I am not anti-software. It saves on time and makes my job easier. What I am saying us to use it accordingly. Because submission software cuts down on time, it allows you time to actually submit and create links naturally as well. If you plan to create 100 new links to your web site in the next two weeks, I would suggest that you create and submit at least 40% of those links manually and spread them out over those next two weeks. Try to create and submit no more than 4 of them a day and make sure that the link comes from a quality or authority site and is placed where it can be crawled and recognized by the search engines.
What are Good Natural Link Building Avenues
Link Trading – Trading links with another web site that has similar information on it that your site does gives you an advantage in natural link building. If the web site has good page rank and search engine positioning, it will help to boost your search engine presence and improve your page rank. This could be a link from a blog or even from an article or write up about your web site.
Social Networking – Web sites like FaceBook have become powerful tools in the online marketing arena. Because these web sites hold so much authority to the search engines, links placed on your FaceBook wall become powerful backlinks and begin to boost your presence in the search engines. Placing links on your wall or even in FaceBook groups create backlinks that hold tremendous power!
Social Bookmarking – Web sites such as Digg and Delicious are great resources for diverse information. By creating a bookmark on these web sites (and other popular social bookmarking sites) you’re providing the visitors of that web site with the information they are looking for. Many people visit these types of web sites for quick references to information that interests them. It’s a quick and easy way to discover the information they seek, and creates on hell of a backlink to your web site.
Social Media – This is by far one of the most recognized arenas online. Write ups such as blog posts, articles, press releases and even videos will help to build powerful backlinks and increase your search engine presence. Because blogs, articles and press releases are chucked full of rich content, the search engine crawlers consider it as a sweet treat and give massive attention to them. That’s why it’s so important to optimize your write ups from the title of the writings, to the content in the bodies of the write ups. This is not an arena to go bananas when creating backlinks. I suggest that no more than two optimized backlinks are placed in the write ups.
We can’t forget about online videos either. Web sites such as YouTube make it fast and easy for you to create a video and upload it. The trick to this is to optimize the actual Title of the video and leave a backlink to your web site or particular web page in the description area. Since Google recognizes YouTube (maybe because they own it) your videos will show up at the top of Google if your videos YouTube page is optimized correctly.
Backlinks give your web site and its pages the pulse they need to compete online. Making backlinks from just anywhere is not the way to go. You have to be strategic and cautious when it comes to backlink building. 10 strong backlinks will always outperform 100 backlinks with no authority behind them. It’s not only how many backlinks your web site has, but also the quality or them as well.
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